Rules of Conduct

At, all players and staff are expected to respect everyone they interact with while on Our company does not tolerate cheating in any way or form, either through collusion, or any other tactic, means or design deemed to be creating an unfair, unethical or improper advantage vis-à-vis other users. In addition, users must be aware of their behavior and its potential impact on others. The Rules of Conduct include, but are not limited to, the following general parameters:

  1. does not tolerate unwanted foul or abusive language in the Chat area. Though the site offers an obscenity filter to limit the potential offenses people may suffer from such behavior, the activity is forbidden.
  2. A player shall not be subject to harassment or intimidation by another player at the table.
  3. During game play, players are prohibited from chatting about their hand and/or that of the opponents until all actions for that hand are completed.
  4. We realize that for many of our international customers, English may not be their first language. However until we are able to effectively moderate additional languages, our current policy at is for English-only when games are in session.
  5. "Soft playing" during tournaments is not to be tolerated. "Soft playing" occurs when a player does not bet their hand to the fullest extent when playing against another participant that may be a friend or family member.
  6. also does not permit players from passing or "dumping" chips to other participants.
  7. Any action that is not specifically delineated in the aforementioned or in the preceding, but is considered to be unethical by, may result in violators losing their playing privileges.