While each and every player has the opportunity to cover all bets per his or her turn, the Proposition
Banker is to provide for any portion of the action not met by the seated player.
Besides this responsibility, the Proposition Banker is to participate according to the CardRoom.com
Terms and Conditions.
The Proposition Banker is to pay rake according to the governing schedule for Pai Gow Poker.
Since the Proposition Banker is not to wager in the capacity as a player, the bank shall not rotate
clockwise around the table until more than two (2) players have joined a game.
The Proposition Banker shall occupy seat one (1) at any Premium Chips™ Pai Gow Poker game and will be
clearly identified to all players.
When the seated player is to bank the game and not cover all bets their hand shall be automatically set
House Way. Players that bank the entire game can set their own hand or choose House Way.
Independent Proposition Banking
CardRoom.com is excited to announce that it has retained an independent third party
organization to provide proposition services to enable Premium Chips™ Pai Gow Poker games to be fully banked
("Proposition Banker"). This company is a distinct, non-affiliated organization with expertise in providing
banking services for Asian games in brick and mortar ("B&M") card rooms in North America.
In our continuing mission to present a premier online poker site replete with the best aspects of real world
card rooms, CardRoom.com is proud to accord this added feature to its members. A standard
offering in brick and mortar card rooms, the Proposition Banker affords players the assurance that their
action will be covered and a game shall be readily available.
If you have any comments please do not hesitate to contact us at
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