To start the game each player is dealt seven cards and has to form two separate hands, one comprising
5 (five) and the other 2 (two) cards. A player cannot set a foul hand, in which the 2 (two) card hand exceeds
in value that of the 5 (five) card one.
CardRoom.comwill not disqualify a player, thus resulting in the loss of their wager,
when a foul hand is made. In fact will by default set their hand to
House Way if a player cannot make a legal hand
in the allotted time. A check against a player setting a foul hand is that the DONE button will not appear. Every
player can set their hands manually by clicking on their cards or by selecting the
House Way button, which is a recommended method
to set your hand in a near optimal fashion.
In order for a player to win, bothhands must exceed in value that of the banker. The inverse
holds true for that of the banker versus the other seated players in the game. Determination of winners follows slightly
modified Hand Rankings in which 5 Aces (4 Aces plus a Joker)
is the highest-ranking 5 card hand.
Player Banking
If the player elects to bank they must first determine their bet against the entire table, as their hand will be compared in
due against each player. Click here for Rules of
Using the mouse the banker shakes the dice cup by left or right clicking on it and the resulting sum of the 3 (three) dice
determines where the Action Button will be placed. The total of the dice represents how many seats to count clockwise starting
with the banker's seat and counting all the seats including empty ones (banker's seat would be seat 1, 8, or 15). The person
receiving the Action Button will be the first player whose hand will be compared against the banker.
After the banker and all active players set their cards, each hand will be compared in clockwise order from the Action Button
to determine who won or lost versus the banker. If the player or banker wins only one of the 2 (two) or 5 (five) card hands
they will have "pushed" and no money will have been won or lost.
If one of the player’s hands and the banker’s hands are tied, it is considered a "copy." In the case of
a "copy," the banker has an edge and is considered the winner of that hand. For example, if the banker loses the 5
card hand and "copies" on the 2 card hand, the "copied" hand is treated as a win for the banker and the the
player’s bet would be "pushed."
If a player times out, is disconnected, takes too long or for any other reason cannot set their cards in the allotted time, their
hand will automatically be set by default to House Way as a safeguard to the
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